Genosphere Biotechnologies



Biosecurity Compliance

All DNA sequences for gene synthesis are screened and evaluated for biosecurity in accordance with EC regulation 1167/2008. Genosphere Biotechnologies reserves the right to refuse any order for nucleic acid sequence that may be a dual-use sequence or that may be of doubtful origin and to contact appropriate government authorities.

Privacy Policy

Genosphere Biotechnologies recognizes the importance of the confidentiality of our customers contact details. We are committed to respecting customer privacy in every aspect of our marketing activities. Please read the following to learn more about our privacy policy. 
When you order or request a quotation, we ask for information such as your name, title, organization, email address, address, phone and fax numbers. Genosphere Biotechnologies uses this information to fulfill your requests for products and services. In addition, the information you provide to Genosphere Biotechnologies through our website or any other way might be used only to provide you with information that are relevant to your research projects and area. This information is held in strict confidence and will never be sold or redistributed to any third party for their marketing use. We would remove all your contact information from our records upon simple e-mail request on your part.

Basic Science and Education

Genosphere Biotechnologies is commited to support Science and Education programs and regularly supplies local high schools with material and help for setting up laboratory experiments courses.

Environmental Awareness

Genosphere Biotechnologies recognizes the importance of preserving our environement. The foremost effort is aiming at a minimal use of non-recyclable packaging. In particular, we have eliminated expanded polystyrene foam packaging for cold transport. Where temperature-controled shipment is required, we use aluminum-based insulation and reusable cold packs. Stringent tests with our products under our shipping conditions have shown no detectable loss in quality nor activity when applicable. We also have a rigorous internal recycling program and low-waste oriented operating procedures. In addition, we keep our marketing literature printing to a minimum. These small but genuine contributions to preserving our environement do not affect the quality of your products, we simply achieve the same quality with lowest wasteful materials consumption.

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