Genosphere Biotechnologies


Cloning vectors

Standard cloning vectors

We include free routine cloning into our vector pGB219 or alternatively into pUC57 high copy E. Coli plasmid with any gene synthesis order.

Thus, you may choose among the standard vectors shown in the table below, for simple ORF with no toxicity.

Free cloning vectors Selection Sequence information Vector description
pGB219 Ampicillin (10-20 µg/ml) MCS • 2716 bp
• Circular
• High copy plasmid
pUC57-Amp Ampicillin (10-20 µg/ml) GenBank No. Y14837.1
Plasmid map
• 2710 bp
• Circular
• High copy plasmid
pUC57-Kan Kanamycin (100 µg/ml) GenBank No. JF826242.2 • 2665 bp
• Circular
• High copy plasmid

pGB219 is a pUC19 vector with modified restriction site MCS region. All our genes are normally cloned into our vector. It is high copy plasmid, with ampicillin resistance marker and white/blue LacZ expression.

Vecteurs de clonage standards ou personnalisés

Custom cloning into your vector

Alternatively, we can clone your gene into any vector of your choice.

You would need to provide us with:

• 5 ug of purified plasmid vector
• Sequence information

Additional charge applies, please request a quote.

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