Genosphere Biotechnologies

Kundendienst für Forschung

Tech Fragen - Custom genes


Why would you advise we should consider a synthetic gene? 
Synthetic genes are still perceived as an expensive tool to obtain a functional protein through heterologous expression. The initially cheaper alternative of identification of cDNA clone or even yet directly PCR amplification from tissue of origin is certainly attactive. However, the latter remains a challenging approach, with multiple optimization steps, multiple sequencing verifications, frequent mutation correction, etc. In the end, your sequence may not be expressionable in your host organism because of codon bias. Synthetic gene design affords all possible optimizations for successful expression and purification. Further structure-activity studies through SDM are made easier as well. Synthetic gene manufacturing have made tremendous progress in the recent past and cost cuts have been passed on to the customer.

Can you clone my DNA into my vector? 
Yes, you would need to provide 5-10 ug of your purifed plasmid with sequence and map. Additional charge applies.

Can you perform site directed mutagenesis on a gene I would supply? 
Yes, you would need to provide 5-10 ug of your purifed plasmid with sequence and map. Please contact us for a quote.

Can you express my protein? 
Yes, we do offer expression and purification services for antibodies production purposes. Please contact us for a quote.

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